About Us

About Us

Medway High School is a medium sized composite school of approximately 1500 students, located approximately five minutes north of London, Ontario, Canada. Medway is part of the Thames Valley District School Board. Medway High School was named after the winding creek that meanders through most of the municipalities and areas which send students to our school.

Medway is dedicated to excellence. Students are expected to perform at their personal best in all aspects of the school program. Program offerings meet the needs of students who are studying at university, college and/or workplace level. Medway has a rich tradition of involvement in the community and students pride themselves on a well-rounded education with high academic standards.

Medway High School is a semestered school. There are four periods a day with two lunch periods. Students in Grade 9 and 11 have the early lunch period, while students in Grade 10 and 12 have the later lunch period. Students have the opportunity to study at all levels during grades 9 and 10. In Grades 11 and 12 students are offered courses with university, college and workplace destinations. There are many subjects for students to choose from when deciding their destination.

Brief School History

Medway was built in 1949, and at the time it was considered to be an ultra-modern school. The original name was East Middlesex High School, but people just called it the Arva School. The name was changed to Medway after the Medway Creek which winds through the area. In 1952, an addition was built on the south side of the school that included six new classrooms and two science labs. Another addition was added between 1972 and 1973 that included three shops, a geography lab, a theatre arts room, a library, two occupation rooms, two commercial rooms, a biology lab, a new music room, and two standard classrooms.

Most recently, in 2008 and 2009 Medway High School underwent another renovation updating the gymnasium, adding a Performance Arts Centre and Library as well as upgrading science labs and classrooms. Almost every classroom has learning technologies to support student learning.

Originally, Medway was part of the Middlesex County Board of Education. Today we are part of the Thames Valley District School Board, which is the third largest board in Ontario

Contact Us 

medway@tvdsb.ca  (519) 660-8418